Job 1

  1. How was Job considered before God?
  2. What had God blessed Job with?
  3. What would Job do for his sons in fear of the Lord?
  4. For what reason did Satan determine that Job was faithful?
  5. What did God not allow Satan to do to Job? What did Satan do to Job?
  6. What was Job's reaction to God?

Job 2

  1. What further harm did Satan want to try against Job? How was He limited?
  2. With what did Satan strike Job?

Job 3

  1. What did Job curse and for what did he long?

Job 4

  1. What does Eliphaz tell Job about God'justice?
  2. What vision did Eliphaz say he received? What was revealed to him?
  3. What signs did God give His people that He was against them?

Job 5

  1. What does Eliphaz hint is the cause of Job's troubles?
  2. According to Eliphaz, what should Job be doing now?

Job 6

  1. How heavy is Job's grief?
  2. What did Job wish for from God?
  3. What did Job feel that his friend should show before him?

Job 7

  1. How does Job compare his suffering?
  2. What does Job ask God concerning his transgression?

Job 8

  1. What is Bildad's assessment of God's judgment on Job?
  2. What does Bildad tell Job to judge by concerning his own condition?

Job 9

  1. How can man justify themselves before God according to Job?
  2. How does God judge the wicked and the righteous according to Job?

Job 10

  1. What does Job ask of God?
  2. Job feels that God has forgotten that man was intricately designed by Him and is made a very fragile being.
  3. For what does Job wish?

Job 11

  1. What does Zophar urge Job to do?

Job 12

  1. What does Job answer concerning his own knowledge and understanding?
  2. What does Job conclude to his friends about God's actions?

Job 13

  1. How did Job feel toward his friends?
  2. How did Job believe God regarded him?

Job 14

  1. What does Job determine about the condition of man on earth?

Job 15

  1. How does Eliphaz respond to Job?
  2. What does Eliphaz say about Job's wisdom?
  3. According to Eliphaz, how is man less clean than the angels?
  4. What happens to the wicked man?

Job 16

  1. What does Job say about the comfort of his friends?
  2. What does Job think God feels about him?
  3. How has Job responded to God's oppression?

Job 17

  1. What does Job say about his friends understanding?
  2. How does Job feel God has made him before people?
  3. What will happen to Job's hope his friends say is coming?

Job 18

  1. What is Bildad's general opinion of Job's condition and the wicked?

Job 19

  1. What does Job feel God has done to him?
  2. What faith does Job profess?
  3. What does Job hope to hear from his friends?
  4. What warning does Job give to his friends?

Job 20

  1. According to Zophar, what is the destiny or fate of the wicked man?

Job 21

  1. What is Job's opinion of the life of the wicked?
  2. When does Job want to see the wicked punished for their deeds?
  3. What point does Job try to convey to his friends when he says that the punishment of the wicked is reserved for the day of wrath?

Job 22

  1. What does Eliphaz accuses Job of claiming of himself?
  2. What accusations does Eliphaz make of Job?
  3. What point does Eliphaz make about God's ability to see the deeds of the wicked?
  4. Why do the wicked still receive good from God?
  5. What will happen to Job if he turns back to God?

Job 23

  1. What does Job wish to present his case before the seat of God?
  2. What does Job feel could be the result of his meeting with God?
  3. What does Job feel that God knows about him?
  4. Why is Job afraid of God?

Job 24

  1. According to Job, of who do the wicked take advantage?
  2. According to Job, how does God react to the deeds of the wicked?
  3. Why does Job think that the mighty feel secure?

Job 25

  1. What is Bildad's response to Job's words?

Job 26

  1. How did Job discredit Bildad's counsel?
  2. How did Job credit God's counsel?

Job 27

  1. To what did Job continue to hold fast?
  2. What is the hope of the hypocrite?
  3. For what are the children of the wicked reserved?
  4. What eventually happens to the possessions of the wicked?

Job 28

  1. How does Job compare the finding of wisdom to the finding of gold, silver, and precious stones?
  2. How valuable is wisdom?
  3. How does man find wisdom?

Job 29

  1. What days did Job long for?
  2. What were some of Job's acts of righteousness?
  3. How was Job perceived as a former chief or leader?

Job 30

  1. How did the people regard Job now?
  2. Who ridiculed Job now?
  3. What did Job receive when expecting light and goodness from God?

Job 31

  1. What covenant did Job make by his eyes?
  2. What is the reward for the wicked and the workers of iniquity?
  3. What did Job expect if he had done anything wrong?
  4. Why did Job want a book written of his wrongs?

Job 32

  1. When did Elihu begin to speak?
  2. What did Elihu reason about the others words?
  3. How did Elihu plan to answer Job?

Job 33

  1. Of what unrighteousness does Elihu accuse Job?
  2. How does God deal with the righteous who have sinned?
  3. Why does God enlighten the fallen one?

Job 34

  1. What character does Job portray when he speaks against God?
  2. How does Elihu uphold God?
  3. What should Job have done before God?

Job 35

  1. Who do we hurt by our sins?
  2. For what should Job wait?

Job 36

  1. How does God do justly?
  2. Why has Job received this judgment?
  3. What should Job remember?

Job 37

  1. For what are God's great works used?
  2. Should we speak challengingly to God?
  3. Why has God not answered Job?

Job 38

  1. What is the first question that God asks of Job?
  2. What thought did God present to Job in His discourse?

Job 39

  1. What is Job induced to realize about God and the animals of the earth?

Job 40

  1. What is Job's response to God?
  2. How did Job attempt to justify himself and nullify God's judgment?
  3. What was God's challenge to Job?
  4. What was the Behemoth?

Job 41

  1. What was the Leviathan?
  2. What was the purpose for the comparison with the Leviathan?
  3. How is Leviathan king over the children of pride?

Job 42

  1. How does Job respond to God's revealing of His omnipotence?
  2. Which of Job's friends did God speak against and why?
  3. How did God restore Job?
  4. What is the lesson of Job for all people?